Danielle Ralston



Danielle Ralston, is a Neurodiversity Coach, Corporate Life and Burnout Coach, ADHD-CCSP, ADHD Master Life, Master Business, Health, CBT, REBT, FBT, PolyVagle Theory, Hipponoono, Clarity and Goal Setting, Career, Entrepreneurship and Sales Coach.

I have been an ADHD/ASD coach for 25 years and counting. I have worked with over 1500 ADHD, ASD, and Divergent brains between the ages of 10-70.

I understand the science of how our brains work because I wasn’t going to let AuDHD run my life and hold me back from being remarkable. I continue to train and be certified in new protocols for the AuDHD brain so that I can offer my clients the best support possible as science catches up to coaching.


  • Spent over 20 years spending the weekends on stages preforming in cover bands with my husband as either a singer, bass player or a flute player (maybe all in one night).

  • I have been married for 30+ years to my very best friend

  • We have a 26 year old married Neurodivergent son

  • Grew up in rural cow country New York

  • Moved to just south of Birmingham Alabama in July of 2020 (still learning to deal with the culture shock)

  • Spent 13 months in an African Jungle helping our onsite team cope with life in a Jungle thousands of miles away from family and pizza

  • Have been an entrepreneur for as long as I can remember (was hustling the neighbors when I was 6)

  • Worked in IT for 20+ years (still doing a little to this day)

  • Serial Entreprenuer

  • Star Wars is forever my favorite Movie Franchise with Lord of the Rings being second

  • Favorite Comedy is Princess Bride

  • Dopamine hits: Coffee, Star Wars Toys, being warm